Saturday, January 26, 2019

Hollywood Research #1-The Metro Blue Line


Research #1

The Metro Blue Line

          We started researching our new book GAME TOWN, in Hollywood, on Hollywood Blvd. Since this was a fact-finding "mission" we needed to be mobile. So we took the Metro Blue Line, is the light rail rapid transit system Los Angles introduced in 1986 to see if reinventing rapid transit would be a good idea in L.A.

          Fortunately for us, It was the first line to go in and the only one that travels from Long Beach directly to Los Angeles. It is so much more convenient to take this line to Los Angeles than to drive and try to find a parking spot, then pay an arm and a leg for hours of parking.

          Now, the Blue Line connects to the Red Line and the Purple Line for our convenience to get to the various places we needed to research. The travel time to and from Long Beach to L.A. on the Blue Line is 45 minutes regardless of the freeways and how backed up they may be. Perfect!

          We used the metro, exclusively to get from Long Beach to LA in order to research our book, GAME TOWN...several times.