Veggie Lodge
would be a fun thing to do with children for the holidays. It reminded me of some of the long abandon stone buildings in Ireland. I found this in a FB
comment on this photo.
Here is what we
used to make our veggie lodge: Six 8"- carrot logs (One for front, five
for back) Eight 5"- carrot logs (sides of lodge) Eight 3"- carrot
logs (front) Eight 1 1/4" - short spacer logs (by front door) Four 1
1/2" - carrot logs (to create side window opening) Three 7" -carrot
log rafters Sixteen 6" - 7" long stalks of celery (for roof) The foam
core board gable ends measure 8"x 6" x 6" The foam core board
floor/base measures 8" x 5" (plus extra on the back for chimney if
desired) The window is made out of a slice of turnip. Use toothpicks if
necessary, in addition to cream cheese mortar to fasten cucumbers and celery.
Use bamboo skewers for stacking chimney mushroom "stones."